• Massotherapy

    A bioenergetic massage is like a caress from the universe, flowing through the therapist's hands, unblocking the energies trapped in our body, releasing accumulated tension and relieving pain.

  • Conscious Spa

    We focus on your overall health and wellness rather than just your physical appearance. Our services are designed to harmonize your mind, body and spirit, allowing your personal energy to flow freely, making you feel strong, radiant and at peace with yourself.

    Find out more
  • Hemp Extract, Thai Liniment and Obsidian

    Our secret weapons. Our combination of hemp extract, Thai liniment and obsidian massage devices make our therapies unique and highly effective in improving the physical and energetic health of our clients.

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Unlimited harmony for body and soul

In Ígnea we find a space dedicated to the search for harmony for our body and soul. Our well-being is a task that we must take care of every day, from the deepest part of our being to our external vehicle: our body. Therefore, Ígnea becomes our perfect ally to find the balance we all need.

  • In this space we will find everything we need to achieve the harmony we seek. When we shine internally, our light expands and everything around us is illuminated. We invite you to discover all that we have to offer and live the experience of unlimited harmony for your body and energy.


Ígnea Wellness Studio

"Energy in Movement"


The Self-Care Revolution

This is not and does not pretend to be a spa. It is much deeper than that. This is a wellness studio committed to individualization, where energy is renewed and returned to its natural harmonious state.

Ready to feel a real difference?

imagen extracto de cañamo

We elevate the experience of our therapies by integrating sublingual and topical hemp extract. This compound is known for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties. This carefully selected addition enhances the therapeutic benefits, offering deep relief by relaxing the muscles and calming the mind.

masajeador de obsidiana

This natural stone, prized for its energetic properties, blends harmoniously with massage techniques, providing a unique experience. Obsidian, known for its ability to release tension and promote spiritual connection, enhances our treatments, offering a deep and lasting sense of well-being.

linimento tailandes

It is a herbal formula that has been used for centuries in traditional Thai medicine to treat muscle and joint pain, as well as to improve blood and energy circulation in the body. It contains essential oils and plant extracts that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and stimulating properties.


We promote true harmony

We pride ourselves in offering a unique service experience. Our Integral Harmonization, added to each of your services, is an experience truly worth trying.

Get to know our tools:

diapason de cuarzo
Tuning Forks Harmonizers

They are a powerful non-invasive healing system that uses sound vibration to reharmonize the body and the human energy field.

cuenco tibetano
Tibetan and Quartz Singing Bowls

They use the principle of resonance, by which a more intense and harmonic vibration infects a weaker, dissonant or unhealthy one.

arpa de cuarzo
Chromatic Quartz Harp

Healing instrument that allows us to integrate and combine the seven musical notes that correspond to the seven chakras. Playing it produces the same effect as rubbing seven crystal bowls at the same time.

doterra extractos

It is a form of alternative medicine based on the use of oils from roots, leaves, seeds or flowers. The sense of smell is connected to the thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus and central amygdala.


Body and spirit in synergy

At Ígnea we believe that wellness and healing start from within. That's why we focus on harmonizing mind, body and spirit, so you feel strong, radiant and at peace with yourself.

We know that, from now on, we will be your wellness center. YOU DESERVE IT.

ignea entrada pasillo
Professional Service

We provide personalized and effective treatments for each of our clients. We use innovative and effective techniques to improve your health and well-being. You can be sure that you will receive a professional and high quality service.

Our commitment to conscious products

We are clear: we use only natural and very high quality products. We believe in the ability of natural products to heal and restore our health. We know that what we put in our body also affects our energy, health and well-being.

Gift certificates

Our gift certificates are the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care about them. Let them enjoy our harmonizing and healing services so they can feel strong, radiant and at peace - they'll thank you!

We work exclusively by appointment

  • Monday to Saturday

  • Sunday (ask for availability)

Book an Appointment
foto plaza palmas
foto Amanda Rangel

Your health and wellness starts here:

"My name is Amanda Rangel and I have the privilege of being the lead therapist at Ígnea, where my mission is to guide each client to a state of harmony and holistic wellness. With a deep passion for self-care and a commitment to sustainable practices, my approach focuses on customizing each treatment to meet the unique needs of my clients. I use a combination of special techniques and the highest quality natural products to ensure that each session not only revitalizes the body, but also nourishes the spirit and calms the mind."

  • With a diverse background, I am a certified Hatha Vinyasa Yoga and Yin Yoga instructor, which allows me to merge yoga techniques with personalized wellness sessions. I am also trained in Therapeutic Spa, Meditation, Pranayama, and hold certifications in Therapeutic Singing Bowls and Gendai Reiki Ho, techniques I use to deepen relaxation and promote energetic healing.

  • As a Certified Access Bars (BP) Practitioner, I apply this methodology to release mental and physical blockages, thus facilitating a more complete rejuvenation experience. My focus is on understanding and addressing the unique needs of each individual, creating a therapeutic environment that not only seeks to heal, but also to empower our clients towards their own path of wellness and self-discovery.



We understand that each person is unique, with individual needs and preferences. That is why we pride ourselves on offering a completely individual and personalized service, designed to reflect and respond to the specific characteristics of each client.

The promise is simple: your well-being is the priority.

100% individual attention:
  • Each session is an exclusive experience, attending to only one client at a time. This ensures that each visit is peaceful, intimate and deeply effective, allowing you to unwind, rejuvenate and restore your balance.

tapete de yoga
Commitment to Personalization
  • Everything is tailored to align perfectly with your wellness goals and personal preferences..

  • This allows us to devote our full attention and resources to personalize your treatment or therapy.

palo santo
Carefully Planned Sessions
  • We optimize your time and adapt to your reactions and feedback during the treatment.

  • We manage to adjust techniques and products as we go along to make each session as beneficial as possible.

logo ignea
"A pure mind, a noble heart, a healthy body..."
  • Ígnea Wellness Studio

Our Products

Relax, you are in good hands

We merge excellence and nature in each service. We use only top quality products such as:

productos doretta
With pure and certified quality essential oils
productos solar
Emerging brand of products derived from hemp of the highest quality.
productos ere perez
Ere Peréz
Specializing in skin care and products enriched with botanical ingredients.
productos fitos
With its holistic approach to phytotherapy and aromatherapy